My eBooks are not appearing in the library on my device

If you have recently purchased one or more eBooks and they are not appearing in your library on your device, check the following:

  • 'Pull down to refresh' on the library view. This will force the app to reload your library from our servers and your new titles should appear.
  • If the titles you are looking for still don't appear after refreshing your library, make sure payment was successful for the order with those titles. This of course is not necessary for orders with FREE titles, for which payment is not required.
  • Also, make sure you are logged into the app with the same e-mail and password as the account you purchased the titles from.

CLC is an international organization committed to the distribution of the Bible, Christian books and a variety of Christian media. CLC works in 58 countries. It is represented by more than 180 bookshops, 18 distribution warehouses and 18 publishing houses. The CLC work in each country is set up autonomously, but we are united by our common vision. Read more about CLC is a ministry of CLC International. We use “CLC” and “CLC International” as trade marks. The CLC logo is a registered trade mark having number EU011691912, owned by Centro del Libro Cristiano S.r.l. Copyright © CLC International 2015. All rights reserved. Please see our terms of website use for further information. Privacy Policy


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